
Hiring Managers Are Looking For High EI (EQ)

Did you know that 71% of Hiring Managers Prefer EI (Emotional Intelligence) over IQ? EI is a better predictor of success, and the skills you'll learn through EQFIT® are among the top 10 most sought after skills by employers.
We'll help you build skills that not only help you grow in your career but also build better relationships with partners, family, and friends by better understanding yourself and others and being able to navigate through even the most complex and unexpected situations.

How EQ Can Enhance Your Career

Develop Your Leadership Skills


Enhance Productivity For You & Your Team


Build & Maintain Morale


Higher Agility For The Unforseeable


Ready To Start Growing Your Career?

It all starts with assessments. Take a peak at our robust assessment offerings that give a realistic, well-rounded view of where you are now and confidence in the decisions you make for your future!

See Our Assessments